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Save the planet using Latex, print 2in1!

I just found this very cool package which lets you easily print two pages in one. I have only tested it for articles and reports and it works perfectly for articles. Using the document-class report, the content is perfectly structured, but not the table of contents, which still takes the entire page. The package also messes up with the page numbers whenever you start a new chapter. So it basically only works with sections, but not chapters.

First tell Latex to turn the page to landscape:

\documentclass[a4paper, landscape]{article}

Next include the necessary packages:

\usepackage{2in1, lscape}

The latter is needed, as you not only want the paper layout, but also the content to be in “landscape-mode”.

Now add your document content and have fun printing (and saving the planet 😉 )!

The standard distributions have this package included, but just in case you can get it from here.

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