This post is not to be taken too seriously, but to show that Latex is not only used by mathematicians and engineers, but actually has a very broad field of application with its thousands of packages available.
LaTeX for Chemists:
Helping chemists type their chemical symbols. chemsym
LaTeX for Chefs:
Helping chefs type their recipies. cuisine
LaTeX for Psychologists:
Helping psychologists to follow their bibliography guidelines. apacite
LaTeX for Managers:
Helping managers to remember their meetings, appointments and deadlines. schedule
LaTeX for Paparazzi:
Helping paparazzi to arrange their photos. photo
LaTeX for Unemployed:
Helping unemployed to spend their time. cwpuzzle
LaTeX for Tex-ters:
Joe Python
You missed Software Programmers !
Felt compelled to come read this because I couldn’t imagine latex not being for chemists. Then I realized it was Latex, not latex.
I personally favor the mhchem package for typesetting chemical formulae:
i didn’t know latex could mean and used in many different ways..
yuri aldama
does exist latex for navigation or for topografists
Depends what you want to do. Here is something that might be useful: Scalebar.