1. Sper

    Hi Tom,

    I’m trying to wrap the contents of some cells of a table without much luck.
    Here’s my table, and the solution I am currently using:

      SNR & \multicolumn{4}{|c|}{Relative error re } \\
      in gradient & method number 1 & method number 2 & method number 3 & method number 4\\ \hline\hline
      12.5186 & 0.0260 & 0.1063 & 0.0314 & 0.0287 \\ \hline
    This text is added to highlight the fact that the table exceeds the page margins. What would be a smarter way to wrap some cells (namely, my headers) in such a way that the overall table stays within the page margins? Thanks!

    Could you please let me know if there is an easier way of getting the same result, without shrinking the size of the characters?

    I hope pasting directly from LaTeX is okay, it’s the best way in which I could think of showing you my problem.

    Thank you kindly for taking the time!


    • Hi Sper,

      Thank you for the code, that made things a lot easier. I suggest using the fixed width column type m. You’ll find your code below with some changes. First, define a new columntype that is centered horizontally (m) and vertically (centering). Replace \\ by \tabularnewline to avoid “Missplaced \noalign” errors. And, use *{number}{type} to avoid repeating the same columntype over and over again.

      SNR & \multicolumn{4}{|c|}{Relative error re }
      in gradient & method number 1 & method number 2 & method number 3 & method number 4 \tabularnewline
      12.5186 & 0.0260 & 0.1063 & 0.0314 & 0.0287 \tabularnewline
      This text is added to highlight the fact that the table exceeds the page margins. What would be a smarter way to wrap some cells (namely, my headers) in such a way that the overall table stays within the page margins? Thanks!

      Best, Tom.

  2. I’m trying to use a graphic alongside a numbered list, but it just dumps the graphic at the end of the file. This is my code –

    % \rule{0.9\linewidth}{0.75\linewidth}
    \caption{Dummy figure.}
    \item Lie down. Flatten your right breast by placing a pillow under your right
      shoulder. Place your right arm behind your head. 

    How can I do it please Tom?

    • tom

      Try the minipage environment:

      \item First item
      \item Second item
    • tom

      Hi there,

      It works exactly the same way as shown in the example for article. Just give it a try and let me know if you get stuck.

      Best, Tom

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