1. Ole J. Forsberg, Ph.D.

    Thank you. I use this package all of the time. I did not, however, know about the asterisk options. Thanks.

  2. Luís Martins

    Hello. I noticed that \usepackage{setspace}
    \onehalfspacing (in my case) is in conflict with hyperref package. In my case when I add a footnote, the hyperlink send me to the wrong page. Beyond that it’s very useful| Thank you!

    • Hi there!

      Thanks for your comment. I am not aware of any conflict between the setspace and hyperref packages and footnotes. Make sure you always load hyperref as the last package. Would you mind to send a minimal working example that illustrates your issue.

      Best, Tom.

      • Luís Martins

        Hi. After some trials I found the conflict and I solved it. You’re right. When I loaded hyperref as the last package the file was successfully compiled. Thank you!

  3. Zeeshan Shareef

    How can I set the 16pt line spacing using \setstretch while my font size is 12pt.


  4. asghar khosh-jamal

    I want generate space between twoo footnotes. if we use \setlength or \vspace, it effect on sections and other body text. I dont want it. I want only vertical space between two footnetes. please help me.

    • tom

      Hi there,

      By changing \footnotesep, you can add extra vertical space between footnotes. Here is an example:

      \footnote{Some footnote}
      \footnote{Another footnote}

      Instead of \baselineskip, you could also use a number (e.g. 10pt). See the answer to a similar question here for more details.


  5. Sumukh Desu

    I am using setspace package with the fontsize. For a particular group of text I am using \fontsize and setting to a size(say 8pt) different from the document fontsize(say 12pt) but the spacing between the text is still being rendered with respect to the document’s fontsize hence I am using \setstretch which gives me a spacing of 0 but sets the fontsize back to the document fontsize.

      • Sumukh Desu

        \fontsize{8pt}{0pt} \setstretch{0.0}
        (\noindent \textit{I want to make this of font size 8pt even though the document font size is 12pt}.)

        I’m hoping this should clear things out. So when I use \setstretch, the font size goes back to 12pt but if I comment \setstretch, the fontsize works fine but there is a problem with the line spacing.


      • tom

        Hi Sumukh,

        Thanks for the example. Below is another approach that produces the different font sizes correctly. Let me know if this is not what you were looking for.

        Best, Tom.

        \fontsize{8pt}{0pt} %\setstretch{0.0}
        (\noindent \textit{I want to make this of font size 8pt even though the document font size is 12pt}.)\par

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