List items of numbered lists (enumerate
) can be cross-referenced using the standard \label{}
and \ref{}
command pair. Cross-referencing description
items is not supported by default, but can be done with a few additional lines of code in the preamble.
Ordered or numbered lists are cross-referenced with the label-ref
command pair similar to figures, tables or chapters. The label
can either be place right after \item
or after the item’s text. The cross-reference \ref{}
works within and outside the list as shown in the example below.
\documentclass[11pt]{article} \usepackage{hyperref} \begin{document} \begin{enumerate} \item \label{itm:first} This is a numbered item \item Another numbered item \label{itm:second} \item \label{itm:third} Same as \ref{itm:first} \end{enumerate} Cross-referencing items \ref{itm:second} and \ref{itm:third}. \end{document}
Loading the hyperref
package, automatically adds links to cross-references and allows navigation to list items by clicking the reference.
By default, items in a description
can’t be cross-referenced. LaTeX would just use the number of the section/chapter. SX has a solution with a few lines of additional code in the preamble.
\documentclass[11pt]{article} \usepackage{enumitem, hyperref} \makeatletter \def\namedlabel#1#2{\begingroup #2% \def\@currentlabel{#2}% \phantomsection\label{#1}\endgroup } \makeatother \begin{document} \begin{description}[style=multiline, labelwidth=1.5cm] \item[\namedlabel{itm:rule1}{Rule 1}] Everything is easy with \LaTeX \item[\namedlabel{itm:rule2}{Rule 2}] Sometimes it is not that easy\\ $\to$ \ref{itm:rule1} applies \end{description} \end{document}
The code in the preamble defines a new command namedlabel
which produces the name when cross-referencing the item. In the example, the enumitem
package is loaded for a correct alignment of multiline items (see documentation for details)
Cross-referencing items in unordered lists (bullet items) is not supported and wouldn’t make sense anyway, since individual items don’t have an unique identifier.
Great, just what I needed. Thanks!
Dear Bob, I want to put different logo in thesis provided by iisc banglore. But i could not able to do the desired changes in the style file(iisclogo.sty) of it which i found on http:// (in Style Files for LATEX template)
How do i make changes in it so that i replaced the existing logo with another one.
i would be very thankful to you if you help me in that.
with regards
Hi Sarvesh,
As you already pointed out, the logo is in the style file “iisclogo.sty” in text form. Just remove the command
or change it to false. Then add your own logo.Good luck,
I’ve 3 depths of nesting, and I want it to look as
1. —
1.1 —
1.1.1 — label{XX}
my problem is that when I make reference to 1.1.1 (label XXX) I get the label “1(1)1”. I mean I write ref{XX} and I get “1(1)1”
It must be really easy, but I do not know how to do it.
I suggest using the enumitem package rather than the enumerate package, as it provides more flexibility. Here is an example:
Best, Tom.
Yes baby ππ