1. For what I see your plans are to split an existing document via minipage and add the notes to the side. It could be interesting to add a notes page similar to what Adobe Acrobat Pro does when printing a document with notes. Like a summary of comments, assuming the document is not to long, you could include an additional page with note blocks per existing page.

    • Thanks for your comment. The initial idea was to leave space for taking handwritten notes on a document that I would bring to a meeting or on handouts for a workshop, etc. However, I would keep it flexible enough to fit many possible applications.

  2. sarvesh

    Dear Sir,
    I am facing difficulty while putting the marks along with question using exam.sty
    In this i am able to assign the integer number with \marks{3} it work.
    But if i want to use decimal number e.g \marks{3.5} it does not work.
    please help me to sort out this issue.


    • Hi Sarvesh,

      I wasn’t able to download exam.sty. But there is a document-class exam which allows non-integer marks. I took the sample code from the documentation.

      Why is there air?
      How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck
      \question[10] Compute $\displaystyle\int_0^1 x^2 \, dx$.
  3. Madhav

    This is super useful! This is exactly what I needed to set the exams for my students where I need them to write handwritten answers. Very easy to customise. Thanks a lot.

  4. Oliver

    Thank you, very useful and looks beautiful. I underlined “Notes” and use #1 as vspace here aswell.

    \usepackage{pgffor, ifthen}
    \noindent \underbar{Notes}\vspace{#1}\\
    \foreach\n in {1,…,#2}{%chktex 11

  5. Alexander Göransson

    After an hour or two of messing around, I ended up with this. I was using \vfill to make the lines be at the bottom of the page, but there was always some extra space below the last line. Using \par instead of \\ removes this.

    I also set the default vspace skip to 16 pt. Makes it less cramped when writing.

    Normally the argument I give to the command is \textwidth or \marginparwidth (from the document class scrartcl, using a tufte-style layout)

    \usepackage{pgffor, ifthen}
    % args=[extra_vspace=16pt]{number_of_lines}{line_width}
    % [ #1 ]{ #2 }{ #3 }
    \foreach \n in {1,…,#2}
    \ifthenelse{\equal{\n}{#2}}% on last line?

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