1. Jason

    This is excellent. I am encountering a situation where I need to add a statement to the bottom of a few select pages of a document as a footer. My problem is that I need to add the footer to a page that only has two, large, floating figures on it (no inline text). The command \thispagestyle is inline with the text and does not float with the figures. How do I change the page style of the specific page where those two figures end up? Thanks.

  2. Vipin Kumar

    Dear Sir,
    I am going to write my thesis. My question is following.

    I am using following code

    \documentclass[11pt, a4paper, twoside, parindent]{Thesis}

    This gives top page header on each page with the chapter name on left and page no. on right.

    How can I get page no., chapter no. and chapter name on left (odd) page while section no./ name on right (even) page. Please help me.

    • tom


      I created a minimal working example. Thesis is not a standard document class. I used report instead. But it shouldn’t make a difference.

      \documentclass[11pt, a4paper, twoside, parindent]{report}
      \renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1]{\markboth{\thechapter.\ #1}{}}
      \renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markright{\thesection\ #1}}
      \fancyhead[LO]{Page \thepage\ -- \rightmark}

      Cheers, Tom

  3. aju

    Im trying to make footer @left side with page numbering @right n it works but not for first page of every chapter plz help

    • tom

      Hi Aju,

      The first page of a chapter will always have page style plain. You can change this for example by patching the chapter command in your preamble.


      See here for more details.

      HTH, Tom

  4. Gian Paolo Renello

    Hi Tom,
    is there a way to use \pagestyle command on different files included or imported as separated tex files in in a main.tex document

    Tx a lot

    Gian Paolo

    • Hi Gian Paolo,

      Yes of course, just define the page style in the preamble and switch to it at the beginning of the imported files.

      Please provide a minimal working example if you require more detailed help.

      Best, Tom

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