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Complex number symbols in LaTeX

This post summarizes symbols used in complex number theory.

\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb}
\item[Set of complex numbers:]$\mathbb{C}$
\item[Notation 1:]$z=a+ib$
\item[Notation 2:]$i^2=-1$
\item[Real part denotation:]$\Re(z)$ and $\operatorname{Re}(z)$
\item[Imaginary part denotation:]$\Im(z)$ and $\operatorname{Im}(z)$

The set of complex numbers



See here for a complete list of set symbols.

Complex number notation


Nothing unexpected here, the standard i or sometimes j is used.

Real part


$\Re(z)$ and $\operatorname{Re}(z)$

Imaginary part


$\Im(z)$ and $\operatorname{Im}(z)$
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