1. Fernando

    Hello, I hope you are fine.
    I am sorry if this question should be in other post but it has to do with tikz. The thing is that I am doing a Venn diagram just as the one in .
    I did it using the following online exmaple: http://www.texample.net/tikz/examples/venn/
    This is the minimal example:

      \begin{scope}[blend group = soft light]
        \fill[venn_blue]   ( 90:1.2) circle (3);    
        \fill[venn_orange] (200:1.5) circle (3.5);
        \fill[venn_grey]  (330:2) circle (4);
      \node at (90:1.3)   {\textit{\textbf{Dy}}};
      \node at (450:4.5)  {\large \textbf{JRC-IET}};
      \node at (210:5.6)  {\large \textbf{DoE}};
      \node at (330:7.2)  {\large \textbf{APS \& MRS}};
    \caption{Elementos Críticos Energéticos en el Mundo}

    When I compile the code using (for the pictures of the document in .png): “PdfLaTex+Bib(la)tex+PdfLaTex (x2) + Ver PDF” the blending works just fine.
    However, since I have the pictures of the document also in .eps (they are better quality), when I compile the code using “LaTex+Bib(la)tex+LaTex (x2)+divps+ps2pdf+Ver PDF” the blending does not work properly and I get the circles one on top of the other as this:


    I would really appreciate any comments on this. I do not understand the different effects of the way to compile the code.
    Thank you for the blog and all the help in different topics.

    • tom

      Hi Fernando,

      Although not perfect, you might try the following:

      \begin{tikzpicture}[every path/.append style={fill opacity=0.75}]

      Not sure why you think that EPS is better in quality than PDF…

      Cheers, Tom

      • Fernando

        Thank you very much Tom I will try it.

        Well I do not know for sure about the quality of the images. The truth is that one of my colleagues told me that if the figure is in “.eps”, when converting to pdf using texmaker, the quality of the picture woul be better than using the format in “.png”.

        I have many pictures in power point, so I did two things so I have two versions of the document:

        1) I printed all the images in “.png” and then used those images for the latex document (using “PdfLaTex+Bib(la)tex+PdfLaTex (x2) + Ver PDF”).

        2) I saved each slide of the power point as enhanced metafile, then using adobe illustrator I saved the images in “.eps” and then run texmaker (“LaTex+Bib(la)tex+LaTex (x2)+divps+ps2pdf+Ver PDF”). I did this to get a vector image that I understand are better than pixel for diagrams.

        I am not using images in pdf and maybe I am mistaken about the qualities I was thinking, but if you think that is a better idea, should I save the images in “.pdf” instead of “.eps” or “.png”?

        Thank you very much!

      • tom

        Sure, you might loose quality with figures in png format. However, what you get from both approaches is pdf, which is equivalent to eps. I’d suggest to use pdf.

        Cheers, Tom

      • Fernando

        Hello man. Well first of all sorry for the order, I am lost in where to put my questions so what I´ve been doing is to reply to your answeres with different questions.

        I am using Bibtex to cite online references but I am having a problem in the way Latex prints the results, not respecting the document margins.

        For example, if I use the following:

          author = {BML},
          title = {{The Ring, London Metal Exchange}},
          year = {2015},
          howpublished = {\url{http://www.lme.com/pricing-and-data/pricing/closing-price/}},

        I get the following result:


        Which is the number [6] and as you can see the reference goes way out the margins. This also happens in the names of tables and figures when their captions are long. I am using the option ““LaTex+Bib(la)tex+LaTex (x2)+divps+ps2pdf+Ver PDF”” and I think that may be what is causing the problem.

        Any help will be much appreciated.

        Best regards.

  2. Fernando

    Ok thank you very much for the comment.
    I will try converting the power point slides to pdf and then use those images for texmaker.

  3. Fernando

    Awesome Tom it works just fine for the Bibliography.
    Sorry I have another question since I believe I didn´t ask it correctly.
    The same happens in the list of figures/tables when the capton is too long, is there a way to solve that? I was looking for something like breakcaption but it seems the objective is different.
    Thank you for all the help. Great blog.

    • tom

      Is this still related to URLs or does you normal text not break correctly in the LOF/LOT? Please provide a minimal working example.

      Thanks, Tom

      • Fernando

        Thank you Tom. Here is the result:


        As you can see, the problem is when the caption is too long (as numbers 1.4, 2.3, 2.4, …)

        The caption for figure 1.4 is: “\caption{Producción y consumo de cobre refinado; producción de concentrado de cobre.Exportaciones e importaciones de cobre refinado y concentrado de cobre} “.

        Again this problem arises when using “LaTex+Bib(la)tex+LaTex (x2)+divps+ps2pdf+Ver PDF”


      • tom

        Hi Fernando,

        Thanks for the pictures. It seems you are missing a space: “cobre._Exportaciones”. My guess is that once you add this space, the line-break will be added correctly. If not, this might help.

        Best, Tom

      • Fernando

        Thank you Tom.
        I think the compilation is the problem since when I used “PdfLatex + Pdf” the alignment for all the tables was ok.
        I will have a look at the post you say.

  4. suzuka185185

    Dear Sir,

    Thank you so much for a very nice topic.
    I would like to ask a question. I would like to draw an arrow from (a) to (b) in the tree below, but I do not know how to do that. Could you please help me?
    Thank you again.

    Best regards,

    \begin{tikzpicture}[nodes={draw, circle}, ->]
        child { node {a} }
        child { node {b} };
    • Hi there,

      Give your nodes names using round brackets (child {node (a){a}}) and with these you can connect them with an arrow.

      Best, Tom

      \begin{tikzpicture}[nodes={draw, circle}, ->]
      \node{r} child { node (a){a} } child { node (b){b} };
      \path[->] (a) edge (b);

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