1. MPK

    Hai Dears

    can you sent me full coding of Latex format to convert the file to Ms-Word without affecting mathematics formula and figure. If any one knw Conversion of Coding for Latex TO Word and give me ” HOw The word file convert into Latex format then finally after making latex format i want PDF file”. Kindly sent me the coding of about my queries.

    Thanking You

    Dr M P Kulandaivel Lecturer, Mathematics Al Musanna College of Technology Sultanate of Oman

    • Dear Dr Kulandaivel,

      Thank you for your question. I have no experience with word2tex and tex2word conversion. A quick google search revealed the following TUG website on the topic which you may find useful. The website mentions several conversion tools. One of which is Open Office, which according to the author provided a good conversion-experience between Word and TeX files.

      Hope it helps,

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